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National Network of Fiscal Sponsors NNFS Logo

NNFS Mid Atlantic Regional Gathering

April 16, 2018 |

On Friday, April 13, Humanitarian Social Innovations attended the Mid Atlantic Regional Gathering of the National Network of Fiscal Sponsors (NNFS) at Open Works in Baltimore. The agenda was full and the discussion was rich. Financial Operations Financial operations are at the heart of our purpose as fiscal sponsors. We…

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Bethlehem Women of Excellence Christmas Event

New Program: Bethlehem Women of Excellence

March 20, 2018 |

We are proud to introduce a new member of our community of social impact, Bethlehem Women of Excellence. Bethlehem Women of Excellence empowers women and families of Bethlehem, PA who are less fortunate to overcome their economic situation and reach their potential. The Start of Empowering Women Dr. Enid Jackson…

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Moutain Bike Afghanistan Moutain Bikers

New Program – Mountain Bike Afghanistan

March 6, 2018 |

Humanitarian Social Innovations is proud to announce the newest member of our social impact family: Mountain Bike Afghanistan. Mission Mountain Bike Afghanistan (MTB Afghanistan) is a program focused on “empowering Afghan youth with the joy of riding and competing on mountain bikes, as well as connecting people across borders and…

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Announcing the 2017 Great Girls!

September 13, 2017 |

Great Taste Design Foundation has announced the winners of the 2017 Great Girls Scholarship. Humanitarian Social Innovations is proud to sponsor this scholarship program for high-achieving Delaware girls. Meet this year’s winners! Lena Berry-Academics and Athletics Lena Berry is a recent graduate of Caesar Rodney High School. She ranked in…

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Four Guidelines for Selecting a Fiscal Sponsor

January 11, 2017 |

Navigating the nonprofit sphere can be daunting, especially when it comes to getting your 501(c)(3). You may consider fiscal sponsorship as a means of gaining access to tax-exempt funds while your nonprofit organization is without official tax-exemption. It is important to make sure the fiscal sponsor you choose, like any…

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Should You Use the 1023-EZ to Get Your 501(c)(3)?

November 2, 2016 |

          Back in July of 2014, the Internal Revenue Service saw a need to address a growing backlog of applications for tax exempt status. Their solution was to introduce a new, shorter application (the 1023-EZ) aimed at small-revenue charity applicants. Although the 1023-EZ sounds like an…

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Considerations When Starting a Nonprofit

August 2, 2016 |

There are many benefits to starting a nonprofit organization: the chance to start a cause that you’re passionate about, becoming your own boss, perks that come with professional independence and more! Although the impact of a nonprofit is more societal and less monetary than a for-profit business, it is still a…

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What Can Fiscal Sponsorship Do For Your Organization?

June 9, 2016 |

How can your new organization meet its goals and expand its community outreach? Fiscal sponsorship could be your answer. Fiscal sponsorship is a formal arrangement in which a 501(c)(3) public charity sponsors a project that lacks exempt status, allowing that project to seek grants and solicit tax-deductible donations under the…

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Which Types of Projects Does HSI Sponsor?

May 23, 2016 |

Humanitarianism is moral kindness and benevolence extended to all humans. The power of human empathy leads to action, social prosperity and the betterment of human life. Unlike any other creature on Earth, humans learn and understand without having to experience. This characteristic allows us to comprehend the hardships people feel,…

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Upcycled Business Cards

December 11, 2015 |

These business cards are unique! If you are an entrepreneur who has faced a networking event hoping you and your new venture will be noticed in the sea of networkers, you may want to give this a try. Or perhaps like HSI, your business uses sustainable processes wherever possible.  Either way, these upcycled…

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